Can energy retailers sell “Green” energy?
Renewable energy holds the solution to some of our biggest environmental challenges and the key to a sustainable future. We’ve all heard the claims from some energy companies to sell “green” energy. In this post we dive into that “green” claim surrounding renewable energy and how our choices have impact on the use and production of renewable energy.
Despite the growing popularity of renewable energy, the fact is that its share in the energy mix remains relatively small. According to the Australian Energy Council, renewable energy sources accounted for only 29% of the total energy provided to households in 2021. This statistic highlights the significant reliance on non-renewable sources, such as fossil fuels, to meet our energy demands.
Current energy providers are working on an a solution to fill energy demands by using solely renewable sources. While the percentage of renewable energy is increasing, the present infrastructure and capacity of renewable energy providers have yet to meet the ever-growing energy demands. This is particularly evident during peak demand periods when renewable sources may not generate enough power to meet the needs of the grid. As a result, non-renewable sources, such as coal and gas, must be relied upon to bridge the energy gap. This challenge underscores the limitations of renewable energy in meeting the current energy demands of a modern society.
Energy companies can’t provide you with 100% renewable energy.
Many energy companies claim to offer “green” or “renewable” energy plans, but that isn’t true, in reality, achieving 100% renewable energy is not yet feasible. While they may purchase renewable energy credits or invest in renewable projects, the physical transmission and distribution of electricity are interconnected, making it impossible to ensure that only renewable energy reaches a specific household. The existing energy infrastructure combines both renewable and non-renewable sources, which limits the guarantee of a completely renewable energy supply.
Amber, an innovative energy retailer, is doing things a bit differently. With the access to wholesale energy prices that they provide, you can take advantage of cheaper prices when there is a large amount of renewable energy in the grid. Win win!
Their innovative energy plan empowers consumers to align their energy consumption with periods of high renewable energy availability, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable energy system.
While achieving a 100% renewable energy supply may be challenging, you can still make a positive impact by being mindful of your energy usage patterns. By considering when you consume the majority of your energy, you can optimise your consumption during periods of high renewable energy generation. For example, running appliances or charging electric vehicles during daylight hours when solar power generation is at its peak can maximise the use of renewable energy. This conscious effort to align energy consumption with renewable energy availability can significantly contribute to reducing carbon emissions.