Don’t miss out – claim your FREE energy monitor today

An energy bill reduction initiative from the Victorian State Government

How to claim your free Powerpal

Check if your home is eligible using this form.

We’ll arrange for an accredited provider under the Victorian Government’s energy upgrades scheme to install a Powerpal smart energy monitor (worth $129) completely free of charge. For more details on the program review the factsheet here.

The Powerpal app will show you how your home uses energy and help you find ways to save on your bills!

Make your power your pal.

See your power.

Wouldn’t it be great to know how much it costs to run your air conditioning? Or the heater? Or the lights the kids are constantly leaving on upstairs?

With Powerpal you can instantly see how your energy use changes when you turn on and off your home appliances so you can take control of how you use energy in your home.

Australian designed.
Government backed.

Accredited as an in-home display capable of reducing your home’s energy use by up to 15% by the Victorian Government Energy Upgrades scheme.

Claim your free Powerpal

How does it work?

Powerpal connects your electricity meter to your smartphone and wirelessly tracks – in real time – exactly how your home is using energy.

Now you can identify which appliances and usage patterns are costing you – and pushing up your power bills.

How does it work?

Powerpal connects your electricity meter to your smartphone and wirelessly tracks – in real time – exactly how your home is using energy.

Now you can identify which appliances and usage patterns are costing you – and pushing up your power bills.

Discover new ways to save.

Ever wondered whether it’s worth installing solar? Insulating your roof? Upgrading that old beer fridge?

Powerpal learns how your home uses energy and provides personalised guidance based on your real usage profile to help you make decisions that could save you serious money.

A Current Affair featured the incredible savings that over 100,000 Australians are enjoying since installing their free, Government-backed Powerpal.

Cheaper Bills,
Less CO2

Powerpal is helping tens of thousands of Australian homes reduce their carbon footprint and slash their electricity bills.


No cost, no catch.

Powerpal is available for free. The Government Energy Upgrades Scheme has provided millions of Victorian homes with efficient lighting and helped reduce their energy costs over the past 10 years.

Start saving on your power bill today.

Check now if your home qualifies for a FREE Powerpal underthe Victorian Government Energy Upgrades scheme.

Claim your FREE Powerpal

Not living in Victoria? Buy a Powerpal energy monitor here